You read the headline and might ask yourself: “What did he do? Did he stay for two weeks in Bogota?”. Not, it was 36 hours, which was already too much. Friends warned me about Bogota and the non-existent beauty, so I already have been warned. I arrived late at night at Bogota airport (it was planned) and have been in the hotel around 4 a.m. Unfortunately, the hotel forgot my reservation, so they had no room ready for me… Long story short, it was not the best start 🙂

I fixed the hotel problem, and I had a short night before my only full day in Bogota started. And I only got one recommendation in Bogota: getting up the mountain Monserrate. Monserrate is a mountain in the eastern hills of Bogotá. It rises to 10,341 feet (3,152 meters) above sea level and is a popular tourist destination for its stunning views of the city and its religious significance. You have two ways to get up on this hill: by foot or by cable car. I got on the cable car instead of walking for approximately an hour because I had a bad night. Unfortunately, it was Sunday, and the cable car was half-price, so half of Bogota had the same idea. Instead of walking for an hour, I stood in line for the cable car for almost an hour. At least the view from the top was nice… After two hours, a coffee and a cake, and some walking around, I stood in line again for an hour to get down. You might ask why I did not walk down to be faster. It was raining cats and dogs! Arriving at the ground, it took me a while to get an Uber back to my hotel…. After a good dinner, my day ended early, especially after 6 p.m. walking in Bogota on the street is not recommended.

One sentence about Uber: you might wonder why many drivers ask you to sit in the passenger seat instead of in the back. The reason is simple: Uber is not allowed in Colombia. And sitting in the back might be too obvious for the police, and they would pull out the car.

After breakfast in the morning, I left Bogota.

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