In the inner city, Stockholm has a lot to see from the water or inside museums. Being a week in Stockholm was not enough to see everything, but I got the idea that I have to come back 🙂

Before starting my story, do you have an idea in front of which building you see dozens of baby strollers?

The Pippi Longstocking’s house, Swedens largest playground 🙂 (Pippihuset / Junibacken)

Ok, now to my story. No other city in the world is worth more than Stockholm to use the subway. There is a piece of art! There are even organized tours where you can see all stations as fast as possible. I just used it every time possible subway. I wonder if I caught all the important stations.

Luckily, walking in the city also shows many lovely places. The waterfront in Stockholm is nice to see or sit there to relax.

It’s worth taking a boat trip around Stockholm’s canals. With that, you are much faster to explore everything.

I went to a few museums in Stockholm, but this was the craziest: The Vasamuseet; the Vasa Museum. Vasa is a historical ship that sank immediately after it left the harbor as it was too heavy. They brought it back to land and just built a museum around it.

And being a nerd also means going to the Stockholm Toy Museum 🙂

By the way, Marvel: can you please produce Thor vs. The Silver Surfer?

Going to the City Hall of Stockholm also means seeing the blue room where the Nobel Prize is celebrated every year. Unfortunately, I saw it, but a) the room was tiny, and b) it was impossible to take a picture. Therefore, some pictures of the golden room before it goes into the blue room 🙂

Last but not least, a minute’s walk from the city center, you will find the park Skansen. It’s an open-air museum combined with a zoo. I felt in love with the brown bears <3

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